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About SimpleSafe

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History of SimpleSafe

SimpleSafe is a division of SimpleLogic, LLC., founded in 1999 to develop and provide internet software and services. Our first product was a restricted browser, also called SimpleSafe, which restricted pornography, obscene language, and other objectionable material from web users at home or at work. The software provided filtering in six languages, and offered unlimited customization to block objectionable sites.

Since 2001, SimpleSafe has expanded into the security services arena, providing a comprehensive suite of security services on a subscription basis, designed for home and small business users. In March, 2002, SimpleSafe issued its first release of NetSeer, software allowing real-time monitoring of all web events occuring on the user's computer. This software, now in version 3.0, allows monitoring and tracking of intrusion attampts for security purposes.

SimpleSafe continues to develop software and online solutions to close security loopholes and maintain privacy.

Our Executive Team

Philip L. Taylor, CEO and Security Specialist

Cathy Taylor, CFO

Ed Eichenlaub, Sales Director

Richard Winter, Database Specialist

Mission Statement

SimpleSafe is committed to providing quality, up-to-date products and convenient, reliable security services.

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Location / Phone Numbers

SimpleLogic, LLC. (SimpleSafe)
18425 NE 95th Street Suite 98
Redmond, WA  98052

Telephone: (206) 208-1246